From July 10 to 13, 2024, the members of the Central Administration made their first visit to France, a visit rich in Montfortian Gabrielle experiences. As a result of a Programme meticulously planned by Brother Yvan Passebon, Provincial Superior, with the help of the Provincial Administration, the Superior General and his Council were able to meet more than half of the Brothers of the Province of France.
Wednesday, 10 July 2024 (afternoon)
The meeting with the Provincial Council of France and the Brothers of the Provincial House of Nantes was an exceptional opportunity to experience an important moment during which the Provincial Administration reflected, among other things, on the ways and means to be fraternally present to each Brother, to be in tune with each Brother, to look reality in the face, to envisage the future of the Province of France with sincerity and hope. It's easy to say, demanding in daily life but exhilarating.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
The meeting of the La Hillière and Pontchâteau communities and the people responsible for the EHPAD left no one indifferent. Despite their advanced age and illness, the Brothers took part in the celebration of the Eucharist, and no doubt prayed in a very special way for the Central Administration.
The afternoon sharing time organised for those who were able was an opportunity to admire the attention with which the Brothers follow what is happening in the Provinces. The pertinent questions raised during the meeting on the life of the novitiates, formation to fraternity, and the educational mission of the Brothers were sufficient evidence of the unfailing attachment and joy of belonging to Saint Gabriel. The meeting was magnificent and enriching for everyone.
Friday, July 12, 2024

The day was entirely dedicated to St. Laurent-sur-Sèvre. Firstly, the meeting with the International Community was organised in the morning.
If our ancestors' blood divides us, Christ's blood unites us (African proverb). In a society of confrontation, difficult cohabitation between different cultures, contempt for the weakest, Pope Francis tells us that the Religious are called to offer a concrete model of community that makes it possible to live fraternal relationships.
It could be said that these two assertions, in one way or another, coincide with the particular mission entrusted to the International Community of St. Laurent-sur-Sèvre, the source of the Congregation. During the Community meeting, each of the members took the time they needed to take stock of their pastoral commitments, the advances and difficulties they were experiencing, and the new possibilities to be explored so that the International Community of St. Laurent-sur-Sèvre continues to fulfil its mission to the best of its ability. To achieve this, the community needs to be strengthened in numbers by Brothers from the African and Asian Provinces. The minimum duration of presence in the International Community was the focus of attention at the meeting. This insistence on duration is intended to avoid eternal repetition with all its consequences.
Afterwards, the members of the ADC took part in the Mass during which the new General Administration of the Daughters of Wisdom committed themselves to serving their Congregation with selflessness and generosity. The new team comprises Sr Rani Kurian (India), Superior General, Sr Antonella Prestia (Italy), Sr Nadige Jean-Charles (Haiti), Sr Mary Immaculate Makina (Malawi), and Sr Lourdes Alonso (France), General Councillors.
Father Yoseph Putra Dwi, the Superior General of the Montfort Missionaries, presided over the Mass, accompanied by the members of his Council and other concelebrants.
At the end of the celebration, the three General Councils gathered around the tombs of St Louis-Marie and Blessed Marie-Louise de Jésus to pray, give thanks for the growing influence of these two great tireless apostles, whose apostolate was nourished by a profound life of prayer, an unshakeable faith in God the Trinity and an intense devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, and to immortalise the event with photos.
Finally, a fraternal dinner with the two Communities of St. Laurent-sur-Sèvre brought the stay to a close. It had been a special opportunity for the Central Administration to immerse itself in the reality of the Province of France.
In his words of thanks, the Superior General highlighted all the efforts made by Bro. Yvan Passebon and the communities visited to make the stay pleasant and fruitful.
The Members of the ADC
Dear Bro. Louis, the news capsule is really well written, designed and attractive. CONGRATS!