Dear Brothers,
Fraternal Greetings from Rome.
I am pleased to announce that the 33rd General Chapter, in Today’s plenary session, Friday, April 19, 2024, has elected
Bro. Pratap Reddy B., 1st Assistant General for a second Mandate. He will be the Vicar General.
Bro. Jean-Marie V. Thior, Assistant General, 1st Mandate.
Bro. Dhanaraj S., Assistant General, 1st Mandate.
Bro. Varghese Mandapathil, Assistant General, 1st Mandate.
With all the Brother Capitulants, we give thanks to the Lord for having enlightened us in our discernment to find Assistants General who will collaborate with the Superior General in his decisions making and form with him the Community of Animation and Government at the service of the Institute.
With all the Brothers of the Congregation, the Associates, the Collaborators, the friends and benefactors, we express our gratitude and congratulations to Bros. Pratap Reddy B., Jean-Marie V. Thior, Dhanaraj S. and Varghese Mandapathil for having accepted with faith to be the collaborators of the Superior General in animating, directing and administering the Congregation.
We assure them of our fraternal support and our prayers for a fruitful mission.
Rome, April 19, 2024.
On behalf of the Members of the 33rd General Chapter
Bro. Jean Marie Thior
Secretary General